Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 21 (24 May - 30 May)

It was clear that Spring had arrived, training was intensive this week, we did the stairs almost every morning. However this did not mean we didn't get a chance to enjoy the change in our surroundings.


On Wednesday the shaolin group was given permission to go and climb the nearby mountain which was quite a distance away. We set off at 8:00 and took us about 1:30 hours to get to the base during this time we walked through a number of small villages which were quite stunned to see so many foreigners. After about 30 minutes of climbing up the mountain we took a short break, it was an extremely hot day and we could feel the heat burning on our skin, we also encountered a few snakes that were soaking up the sun. After the short break we set off again and about an hour later we had reached the peak and the view was pretty spectacular. We spent about an hour at the peak having a small picnic and shared the junk food (potato chips, oreos, snickers, m&m's) we had brought along.

After a long and extremely hot walk back we reached the academy at about 14:00. I and some others had lunch at the restaurant outside the academy. We got the rest of the day off, most had almost gotten sun strokes, the new student, Alex White had been burnt to a crisp. This was his own fault as many of us offered him sun cream and advised him to put his shirt back on.

Late for line up:

The rest of the week we spent a lot of time training in the forest, the new student Alex White had claimed the nickname Alex Red, he had in fact been burnt pretty severely and couldn't do much.

On Sunday I went to hospital with Chris, he had an x-ray taken of his knee, the hospital really scared him.

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